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7 things the Google Pixel Tablet does better than my iPad Air

google pixel tablet apple ipad air front 2
Credit: Rita El Khoury / Android Authority

I’m not here to tell you that the new Google Pixel Tablet is better than an iPad. Putting aside the Android versus iOS/iPadOS discussion, Apple has clearly had a headstart in the tablet space and put in the effort to maintain a consistently solid strategy across more than a decade, while Google tried and stopped and changed directions so many times. Apple has had 13 years to refine its tablet OS and attract third-party app developers to get to where it is today with the iPad — miles ahead. So the comparison between the two isn’t even logical.

Still, having used the Pixel Tablet for over a week now, I can say that Google positively surprised me a few times. There are little features here and there that make some aspects of the experience on the Pixel Tablet better than on my iPad Air. Let’s explore them together.

from Android Authority https://ift.tt/iQIpK8M

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